Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The earliest festival on the Earth-PONGAL

The ancient most festival-PONGAL

The harvest festival Pongal was celebrated when the early man started cultivating the crops. Pongal is the other form of many other similar harvest festivals of this Earth. There is no particular myth behind this great festival. But very ancient Tamil literatures have mentioned the festival as ‘’THAI PULUKU’’.
Thai is the Tamil month from which the sun changes its direction of journey. It is the day we cook the fresh rice with ghee, jaggery and moor dhal. The vast white washing process in the homes includes the thoranam decoration with the erection of fresh sugarcanes, tender coconuts, paaku and flowers.
It is the evening time in Coimbatore side to see people tie the clusters of neem leaves, drumstick flowers with aavaram flowers to denote sun’s change in path. In Madurai side people just put neem braches upon the roof.
The entire house will be cleansed with cow dung and broad kolams will be drawn by house women to welcome the month of prosperity. We have waited for our aunts and mother to finish the kolams so that we can color them.
The last day of the previous Tamil month Margali will be the day to invite all new itmes into the life especially new thinking which must be healthy. This day is called as ‘’BOHI’’. This means Lord Indra who was the most superior God in India before Ramayana and Mahabaratha. He holds the Vajra- thunder bolt and governs the raining monsoon clouds. So ancient people have respected him with this day and they believed that he will visit their homes in evenings to taste the delicious ‘’sundals’’.
But the role of very egoistic Indra in raining for 7 days and nights has made him to loose his rank among the Indian heroes. SreeKrishna lifted the Govardhan Mountain and rescued his people and asked them to commit this day to celebrate him but no more Indra. The legend from Bahavatham says that Indra who is the symbolic form of our senses will be neglected if we are very luxurious without any responsibility. Over coming of senses with healthy enjoyment is the meaning behind the Bahavatham legend.
Tamils celebrate the harvest as Pongal. Where as Telugu people observe the day as MAKARASHANKARANTHY and Gurathys as kite festival. Any how harvest is the main motive to enjoy this festival.
Tamil Nadu and Pongal:
The first day of the Thai month is celebrated as the POO PONGAL. POO means flower and it denotes the blossoming of the new wealthy month with rich agricultural harvest in all homes in olden days as in our nation 95 percent of us were from agricultural backup.
By dawn the women and men arrange the local stove with bricks or granites and arrange several new earthen pots decorated with drawings and tied with turmeric plants and flowers. Then girls will pour the water and add cow’s milk to it and light the fire and wait till the water with milk gets boiled. The water with milk bubbles and over flows as ‘’pongal’’ and then they add new rice with moor dhal and jaggery. When it gets cooked we add cow’s ghee with roasted resins and nuts and offer to sun the primordial source of light energy.
Linking the cosmos:
This festival links the 5 natural elements. The pot represents the Earth. The water which cooks denotes the water source. The fire is already there. The air is blown to ignite the fire and the space is worshipped along with the sun. The vegetables each from one variety of plant body will be placed on plates for the rituals. The sun will be prayed for the support and feast will be offered to who ever come to the house still today.
I can still feel how many banana leaves we have cut when we were small to feed all our guests and helpers such as washermen, toilet cleaners, scavengers, vegetable sellers, flower sellers. There is a reason behind all the traditional festival of this nation.
The day just passes with meeting friends and greeting one another.
This is the very special day we all look for when we were children. Yes the bulls, cows and other cattle will be washed well in rivers and pools. We have watched and praised the braveness of the people who have sharpened the horns of bulls and painted with colors and decorated with varieties of brass bells. But till now I have no guts to touch any animal. But I have enjoyed the festival. People cook new pongal and mix with bananas and sugarcanes and offer to all cattle. We also perform the rituals to cows.
The bells, ribbons and painted horns are still in my mind. The cattle will be taken for procession in the evening.
‘’JALLIKATTU’’ or bull taming is one of the ancient most game in our nation. In olden days men were married after taming bulls. This is to see the physical fitness. Even there are many old enough people in Madurai villages who got married through this game.
SREEMATH BAHAVATHAM says that Krishna tamed 7 wild bulls to marry Sree Radha. So the village called ALLANGANALLOOR near Madurai celebrates the best Jallikattu every year with more than 50000 audiences from all over the globe.
This is the day which makes me to praise our tradition which gave enough space for girls and women in our society in olden days. This day is specially called as ‘’KAANUM PONGAL’’ or KANNI PONGAL. The day is meant especially for women and girls to share love and friendship out of their homes in beach, river banks, parks and gardens. It was not very safe for them in olden days to move out because of theft and wars. So the society has planned this day for their entertainment. I can remember that I have cried when all my cousin sisters alone were allowed inside the local park in Coimbatore on this day and I started disliking this day of Pongal. Now I understood the need for the day.
Chilapathykaaram is the ancient most Tamil literature which narrates the life of Kannagi. The literature says that in Chola empire people have celebrated this Pongal as ‘’INDRA VIZHA’’ for 27 days. People have offered rice cakes cooked with sugarcane juice and thuvar dhal to Indra’s elephant to bring monsoon clouds.
FOURTH DAY: This day is dedicated to THIRUVALLUVAR who composed Thirukural. Many debates, discourses, recitation competitions will happen on this day to respect and follow Thirukural.
In our Sendurai Montessori HOC we have seeded new plants for Pongal. Children visited the near by homes to see the animal behavior of bulls and cows. They were given the lessons of animals and their role in man’s life. The Govardhan drama was acted by our adults and even many of our children have participated in the drams. They have realized the needs of man.
There are 2 types of Pongal.
1. Charkarai [sweet] pongal: 1 cup of raw rice with .75 cup of moor dhal has to be soaked for half an hour. Then add water in the vessel and allow boiling. Then add milk to it. Then add the rice and dhal and allow to get cook. Add fresh cleaned jaggery with ghee and roasted resins and nuts.
Madurai people eat the pongal with banana and sugar. Some also add coconut.

2. Ven pongal:
1 cup of raw rice with half cup of moor dhal has to be cooked along with fried green chilies, curry leaves, lot of pepper, ginger, asafetida, jeeragam and nuts. It must be over cooked and added with ghee. Eat with coconut chutney and vada.

Let us enjoy the Pongal along with prayers for good support from the nature for our farmers who are going to be richest people soon. Think why?
Thank you!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thiruvaadhirai- The Festival Of Cosmic Dance

The months of December and January are considered to be very sacred in Tamil Nadu. These months covers the sacred Tamil month Maargali. This month is considered for mear worship, rituals and early morning bajans across the streets. SreeKrishna says, '' I am the premordial source who is getting respected by devotees in the month of Margali''.
The oldest cult:
The 2 great scriptures Thirupaavai and Thiruvembaavai in praise of Mahavishnu and Shiva respectively will be recited and sang during every dawn. Great aacharyas also deliver the discourses for these scriptures. This tradition is beeing followed for the past 1500 years.

In this month, Tamil Nadu temples observe the 2 important days. All Vishnu shrines celebrate ''Vaikunda yekadesi'' day. Whereas all the Shiva temples celebrates ''Thiruvaadhirai'' day.

The article is describing the sacred Thiruvaadhirai festival and its importance.
This is one of the very important and ancient most festival for Shiva. Many stone inscripitions and literatures have recorded the festival and its importance.

Legend behind the day:
Thiruvaadhirai is one among the 27 starts in Indian astronomy. This star is dedicated to Shiva. It is beleived that Shiva married Parvathy in Kailasha and showed his cosmic dance of creation- protection and blessing to all creatures in presence of 2 great saints Vyakpaadhar and Pathanjali who wrote the yogasastra and Dance sastra.
The various forms of Shiva's cosmic dance got recorded and described by various scriptures. So this happened on Thiruvaadhirai day.
Chidhambaram's day :
The temple town Chidhambaram is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Shivites consider this place as the heart of the Earth where Lord is dancing. Chidambaram is also the place where God is meditated as the space . Space is the ultimate end of our life and Shivites respects Chidambaram as their place for salvation. Shiva is in the form of ''NATARAJA''. This is the cosmic dance posture of Shiva. This temple town observe this day as the most sacred and important festival day in every year. So various rituals will be performed to Nataraja and Paarvathy on this day's dawn and 1000s of devotees gather to see the sacred dance procession of Nataraja and Parvathy.
In all Shiva shrines across the state this festival is getting observed. This day is also honoring the great saint singer SreeMaanikavaasakar who recited the famous Thiruvembhavai in praise of Shiva which describes the journey of the soul towards the Source in romantic drama style.
Importance of the day:
Married women observe fasting on this day for the well fare of their husband as Parvathy Devi observed fastings to attain Shiva. So the day is totally dedicated for couple for more love and understanding. The festival teach them the meaning behind the wedding, the couple's cooperation in making the family life as spiritual journey and the essence of service and joy.
How it is celebrated in Tamil Nadu?
Women and men observe fasting based on their health. This festival is the very imporatant family gathering in the state. So the friens and relatives join together and celebrate the day. The vast cooking makes us to enjoy the day and gives the team spirit, cooperation and undersatnding. The fasting will be the day before Nataraja's darshan. By evening we need to prepare the following food items.
Sacred food for the divine couple:
1. Cooked rice.
2. Tuvar dhal with ghee.
5. Salad with vegetables.
6. Curd.
7. tamarind kulumbhu.
8. Any cooked cereals and grams.
9. Rasam.
10. One vegetable from tree, plant, underground root, climber and greens.
The most important prasadham:
This is called ''Thiruvaadhirai kale''. Nataraja and Parvathy have tasted this kale from a very poor devotee called ''SAYNDHANAR'' 's house.
How to make the kale?
1. raw rice- 1 cup.
2. Yelow moong dhal- half cup.
3. Jaggery cleaned - 1.5 cup.[ powder the jaggery and boil it along with 1 tumbler of water and all the durts will settle down in the vessle and then filter in a clean cloth]
4. All dry nuts and resins.
Method of preparation:
Break the rice to rava size and just roast them in a pan with a spoon of ghee. Then start cooking the dhaal water[ 1.5 tumbler of water]. When the dhaal got cooked put the rice and add 2 tumblers of water and cook well till the rice comes to a smashy paste. Then add the jaggery and mix well and add the fried nuts and resins and finally add cow's ghee to it . It is our chioce to add cocount scrapings.
Offer this sacred kale in a special banan leaf and offer all other dishes in other leaf and do the Shiva pooja. Lalith sahasranama has to be chanted. Any scriptures in praise of Shiva and Parvathy can be recited.
Interesting drawings for the poojas:
Involve children in this activity.
Draw the following pictures which represents the various items given as gift by Parvathy's father in her wedding time. They also denotes the presence of Goddess Mahalaxmi. Draw these pictures with rice powder mixed with water.
1. Grinding stone.
2. Comb.
3. Moon.
4. Sun.
5. Star.
6. Lotus.
7. 2 sacred feet.
8. Tulsi plant.
9. trident.
10. Place a bowl full of paddy or rice and stamp the long needle and imagine that Parvathy Devi meditating upon this needle to attain Shiva. The needle shows the focus mind of our aim.
11. Smear white cotton threads with turmeric paste and after the pooja ask the husband to tie on the neck and men can tie on the wrist.
**** Husband must spoon feed the kale to his wife and bless her with flowers and saffron. Then all can join and enjoy the feast. It is must to invite atleast one poor woman for the pooja.
Then we can sleep and go to the local Shiva temple by dawn to see the sacred abishekam to Nataraja and Parvathy.
Thiruvaadhirai in Kerala:
In Kerala, this festival is celebrated in all Shiva temples with very special poojas. Scared big brss lamps will be lighted by evening and women gather and perform the '' KAIKOTTI KALE'' dance which is very special for this day. Keralites have their own melodious Malayalam songs for this day. Thiruvaadhirai kale dish will be cooked and offered in all homes for Shiva. The dance form is very gracefull and it makes to feel peace and happy. The songs were set in special tunes which awakes our divine feelings.
Let us observe Thiruvaadhirai and make our family life meaningfull. Let all couples live as Shivasakthy and enjoy the love and serve with real peace and divinity on this Earth.
Thank you!
Thiruvaadhirai day: 10.1.2009-Dawn Nataraja Darshan.